The Move to Matte

The Move to Matte

The move from high gloss to matte surfaces is now being seen across that board from the hospitality sector to retail design and it's no surprise when you look at the benefits...

To start with Formica Infiniti® is a surface that appeals to all the senses. It has a low lustre finish that gives it a premium feel. It’s soft and smooth to the touch a combination that makes it irresistible as a surface.

It explains why the trend for super matte soft touch finishes is on the rise. From Apple computers to cars retro cafés motorcycles and furniture we are surrounded by matte surfaces today; its low-gloss vintage look giving products and interiors a timeless appeal.

It’s a design trend that’s growing but there’s still plenty of room for improvement. For one thing matte doesn’t fit every application as it’s prone to show fingerprints and marks. But we have an answer in the shape of Formica Infiniti laminate a luxurious low gloss matte surface that’s not just soft smooth and elegant but is anti-fingerprint and anti-marking. 

Lending itself to wide range of applications Formica Infiniti laminate is also postformable and is a surface material that keeps its warm and luxurious looks for longer. A surface material like no other. 

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