Formica Protec<sup>+®</sup> that harness the power of silver technology for a safer and cleaner environment

Formica Protec+® that harness the power of silver technology for a safer and cleaner environment

Do you long for surfaces that are free of bacteria and microbes? Do you want a safer and more hygienic environment?

Now with Protec, you are guaranteed a safer and more hygienic environment with a reduction of up to 99.5% of microbes within just two hours!

Formica Group has developed this state-of-the-art product by harnessing the power of silver, which works against the reduction of microbes.

Silver technology is recognized as one of the most efficient and safest antimicrobial treatments. Plus, silver technology has been proven to be not harmful to humans.  

With Protec, you reduce the growth of bacteria and fungi on surfaces, hence providing a cleaner environment. Best part is, Protec is suitable for various types of applications, especially those in high-touch and high-traffic areas, where bacteria are most likely to be present. 

Protec Product introduction
Protec Application References

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